Degree Third Year Result

To access your Degree 3rd Year Result for 2024, you can follow a straightforward process either online or through SMS.

For the online method, start by visiting the National University’s official result website at Once there, you’ll need to select “Degree” from the drop-down menu, followed by “3rd Year” to specify the year of the result you’re looking for. Enter your registration number and the pass year as requested on the page, then click on the “Search Result” button to view your results.

Alternatively, if you prefer using SMS, you can obtain your results directly on your phone. Simply send an SMS to 16222 with the format NU DEG <your registration number>, replacing “<your registration number>” with your actual registration number. This method is particularly useful if the website is experiencing high traffic and is temporarily inaccessible.

To check your Degree 3rd Year Result for 2024, here’s a more detailed guide:

  1. Online Method:
    • Visit the National University’s official result website:
    • Select “Degree” from the available options.
    • Choose the “3rd Year” option.
    • Enter your “Registration Number” and “Pass Year.”
    • Click on the “Search Result” button to view your result.
  2. SMS Method:
    • To get your result via SMS, send an SMS to 16222 from any mobile phone following this format:cssCopy codeNU [space] DEG [space] your registration number For example, if your registration number is 123456, you would type: NU DEG 123456
    • You will receive your result in a reply SMS.

Please ensure you have the correct registration number and follow the steps accurately to access your results. If the website is down due to high traffic, try checking your results at a later time or use the SMS method for immediate access.